student support

Facebook groupS
Only for Students & Practitioners who has taken de classes
These are private FB groups created to offer support to the SRT / OPFT /NPE Community.
You can ask questions, share experiences and discuss ideas that contribute to the ongoing growing and learning.
Each meeting a different topic.
*Participation subject to approval

SRT/OPFT/NPE On Line meetings
Only for Students & Practitioners who has taken the classes
Several times a year we have meetings with students and practitioners to increase knowledge and improve the SRT or OPFT performance. It's a great way to create a community where you feel a sense of belonging supporting each other in this journey.
You can also send an email to:

Meetings based on donations. No mandatory to participate but greatly appreciated.
Wed. Jan 8th - 2025
*English at 7 pm PT
*Español at 2 pm (hora el pacífico)
Meeting ID: 857 8147 7924
Passcode: 848385
Joining us on
Facebook HERE
To be announced!
*English at 7 pm PT
*Español at 2 pm (hora el pacífico)
Meeting ID: 857 8147 7924
Passcode: 848385
Joining us on
Facebook HERE
Wed. August 7th - 2024
*English at 7 pm PT
*Español at 2 pm (hora el pacífico)
Meeting ID: 857 8147 7924
Passcode: 848385

student sessions after class
Do you need support after taking a SRT or OPFT classes?
Do you wat to improve your clearings?
This is a good and affordable option!
You can clarify doubts about the process, procedures and charts, or if you simple need to confirm the accuracy of your clearing.

NOTE: These are not clearing session
Duration and Fee:
30 min $90 / 1 hr. $120