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The class


I've been working with SRT for more than 20 years. It has helped to improve my life and the lives of the ones around me, including my clients, tremendously!  


SRT is the main structure that supports all my spiritual work.


Family Tree work is the piece missing in this wonderful spiritual path.

The beauty in this work is that we can open, clear and harmonize the Family Tree without knowing all the data history or information require on some other modalities. 


On the other hand, the work of the Family Tree is not about cleaning programs, it is about cleaning Invisible Loyalties that we maintain with our Ancestors.

The information is found in the

Morphogenic Fields as the Family is an organized system.


It is a very effective method of working with our Family lineage on Earth.


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A Family is an organized system with rules, roles and order. 


It has Soul and Consciousness, always looking for balance and re-establishing order to make sure no family member is lost in order to preserve the survival of the system.


We based the fundament of the class on the Order of Love as Bert Hellinger, the Father of the Family Constellation, talks.


First Order: Right of Belonging

Second Order: Compensation

Third Order: Whichever ancestor has been in the Tree longer, takes priority.


We explore the mother and father’s side up to 20 generations of Ascendants, 7 generations of Descendants and Soul Family. 




Clearing our relationship with the ancestros involved we free ourselves from the toxic and False Loyalties that we stored in the name of Love to our linage.

Those False Loyalties prevents us to embrace life with more harmony, peace and awareness.

It helps to start living our lives more  in the present moment with all the possibilities for a better future and not just live as a ghost through the projection of the past.


With this class you will be able to performance a more holistic healing, including  Soul Programs, Invisible Loyalties from the Family on Earth, and Soul Family relationship .








  • How to establish and intention to clear the Falses Loyalties you hold toward your Ancestors 

  • With the help of the meditations find out where you may hold the Loyalties in your physical body

  • Learning the procedure to investigate the Family Tree up to 8 generations with the given FT Charts & Biogram.

  • Understanding the relationship between Soul Family and Family on Earth and being able to clear them.

  • Anniversary Syndrome as important part of the whole process

  • Learning the specific role and position you may have in the Family System

  • Find out what are the gifts your Ancestors are wishful to give to

  • Clear our legacy to the new Generations 

  • Get your power back to have the life you are entitle making peace with your linaje and recognizing your Ancestros. 

  • ... and much more.






  • Learning the procedure to investigate the Family Tree from generation 9 to generation 20. 

  • Beside your parents and other cast of characters there are other key important people involved in the ancestral conflict. Clear the Falses Loyalties you may have with them. 

  • Expanding FT Charts 5 working with Health to clear the Ancestral trauma causing difficulties healing your physical body. 

  • Are you sick or just having an Ancestral Calling?

  • With the help of the meditations find out the Five Energy center in the your physical body where you may hold the Loyalties.

  • Understanding and clearing the principal transgenerational wounds.

  • Slave Syndrome,  Ulysses Syndrome, Emperor Syndrome and Yacente Syndrome as important elements in the whole process.

  • Make yourself a new Project & Purpose of your life

  • ... and much more.




FT Class Level I - content 
FT Class Level II - content 

I celebrate your wiligness  to heal your Lineage and Ancestors.

They will thank you in many ways!


Information about class schedule HERE


Details about Family Tree sessions HERE

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