SRT Classes content

Class Content
Advanced Class
* To learn how to do the Inner Child Progression Archetypes and other archetypes.
* How to use the rest of the Charts for the advance level.
* To learn the advanced steps to do a clearing: Prep to Work, Research and Map Up.
* How to do the Brain Restructuring process.
* How to clear the sticky issues and blocks from the Spiritual Committees.
* How to work with other people and get familiar with the standard Ethics.
* We start the class with a grounding meditation to help the connection with High Self and Spiritual Committees.
* After the connection with High Self and Spiritual Committees have been established, we review the process of clearing programs from the Akashic records.
* We learn the steps to do the Inner Child progression to heal and clear any energies or programs blocking the expression of this Archetype at the human level. Also, learn to work with other Archetypes such as Adult, Maternal, Dreamer, Producer, etc.
* Using a form, we will do the Brain Restructuring that can be applied each time High Self/Spirit indicates.
* We learn how to clear sticky issues when a challenge (physical, mental or emotional) resists to be cleared or comes back after several clearings.
* The class is 80% practical so the students learn the system in a practical way
Basic Class
* To learn how to establish communication with High Self and Spiritual Committees.
* How to use the pendulum and the Basic Charts.
* To learn the three basic steps to do a clearing: Prep to Work, Research and Map Up.
* How to clear the basic 13 programs including researching past life.
* How to identify and clear interferences.
* To access the Akashic Records for healing and clearing of mayor aspects in life.
* To know and work with your Spiritual Committees, Soul Family and Twin Flames.
* To learn to heal issues and challenges your Soul chose for this incarnation.
* Get familiar with the Spiritual Principles
* We start the class with a grounding meditation to help the connection with High Self and Spiritual Committees.
* After the connection with High Self and Spiritual Committees has been established, we learn the basic steps to access the Akashic records where all the memories and experiences are stored.
* With the help of the charts and pendulum, High Self guides us through the past life research performing the healing and clearing.
* The class is 80% practical so the students learn the system in a practical way.

Supporting Material
* Charts and written material
* Class recordings
* Official Certificate from the Spiritual Response Association
Recommendations: the students should read the books: Path of Freedom & Soul Recreation by Robert Detzler for further understanding of the system.